The meaning of Christmas


The end of the year is fast approaching and like every year it brings on deep and meaningful questions about life. A few days ago, I was sitting down watching a Christmas episode of the TV show “Community” when I began to question something myself… What is the real meaning of Christmas? What is up with the sudden outrageous, particularly joyful behaviours of the people around u, followed by the visiting from some so called mystical creatures from far, far away lands. Christians will tell you it’s because of the birth of Jesus, while others will go on to say that it’s for a children, the buzzing excitement they experience when the Jolly man himself, Santa comes for a midnight visit. While others push to say that Christmas is for simply spending time with family, enjoying everybody’s company and giving back to our loved ones, while others- don’t celebrate at all.

Though, this particular episode of “Community” helped me to understand what celebrating Christmas really means to me, after watching it I was left questioning what Christmas actually meant. One of the characters in this episode goes on a quest to discover the meaning of Christmas. Each one of his friends thought of Christmas in a different way. The episode shows them going through many long discussions, which do not seem to be going very far. By the end of the episode he decides on this: The meaning of Christmas is simply that people can find meaning in Christmas. This may mean seeing family members you don’t see for the entire year, to share the love for one another while giving each other presents along with waiting for a jolly, plump man in a red suit to park a sleigh on your roof, squeeze down your chimney, eat a plate of expected food and leave a sack of goods under a fake pine tree.

I like this, a lot. So, I hope that whatever meaning you have for Christmas, you enjoy it, that you are able to really believe that your meaning of Christmas is the right one, the way you want to celebrate it… Christmas is a joyful and merry time to spend with your loved ones, in whatever manner you wish.


Xx G

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